Shared here are likely and frequently asked questions by the community members. Click the arrow to get the answers to each question.
- 1. What is the primary purpose of this platform?
- 2. Are there any fees associated with using the platform?
- 3. How can I get started with using the platform?
- 4. How do I find a mentor on the platform?
- 5. Can I be both a mentor and a mentee on the platform?
- 6. What is the mentorship program on this platform?
- 7. How do I become a mentor on the platform?
- 8. What is the mentor vetting process, and how long does it take?
- 9. What are the qualifications or criteria for becoming a mentor?
- 10. How are mentors matched with mentees?
- 11. What are the expectations for mentors in terms of time commitment?
- 12. Is the content on the platform vetted for accuracy and quality?
- 13. How can I ensure the safety of my personal information on the platform?
- 14. Can I use the platform on both web and mobile devices?
- 15. How can I provide feedback or suggestions for improving the platform?
- 16. Are there any specific rules for participating in mentorship programs?
- 17. Can I connect with other members outside of the platform?